Our Products

High Class Digital Forensics Procucts with an Amazing Service

Our Products
First Digital & Techno-Law Forensics Company Limited (incl. Digital & Computer Forensics Associates) are the accredited representatives of the world's major eDiscovery, digital, computer and phone/mobile forensics companies. Some of these are:
- AccessData - FTK product lines; MPE+, etc.
- ADF Solutions - Digital Evidence Investigator; Triage-Investigator; and Triage-G2
- AVET Technology, UK - The new Avet Per Pro Video and Audio Evidential Interview & Meeting Recorder; and the new Avet AER Audio Evidential Interview & Meeting Recorder
- Belkasoft - Evidence Center product Suites of Solutions
- Brainwave Science - Brain Fingerprint Solution
- Cellebrite - UFED Product Lines - for Phone & Mobile Forensic Investigation, Data Analytics, etc.
- HTCI EDAS FOX - The EDAS Fox Family of Forensic Computers and Servers
- Paraben - The E3 Platform
- Wetstone (Cybersecurity Division of Allen Corp. of America) - Cyber Security product lines
Products & Solutions:
- Forensic Laboratory Equipment, Software, Tools and Accessories
- Computer Forensics products
- Phone and Mobile Forensics products
- Cybersecurity products
- Biometrics products
- Handwriting and Questioned Documents products.
- Security Equipment and facilities
- Brain Fingerprinting Solution
- Product-specific Training (In-Plant and Off-Site)
- Digital Forensics Certification Training
- Forensic Science Equipment, Software, Tools, and Supplies
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